Safeguarding Supervision for Early Years, Schools and Colleges

1 or 2 day course max 15 people.

Safeguarding and child protection issues can be complex and often emotionally exhausting.

Consequently, staff left in a state of heightened emotion, may become burnt out, more likely to become ill, less effective in key decision-making processes, less effective in keeping children safe in education.

This course will enable you to support staff working with safeguarding and child protection concerns. It will also enable you to support them with complex everyday situations which are impacting on their stress levels.

This will enable you to help safeguard both staff and students’ wellbeing.

Learning Objectives

Identify barriers and responses which impact on staffs’ ability to keep children safe in education.

Identify how effective supervision can reduce the impact of stressful situations for staff and children.

Identify and practice supervision frameworks which enable an education response to safeguarding concerns.

  • Who should attend

    Designated Safeguarding Leads, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, SENCOS, Family Resource Workers (or equivalent), Chair of Governors.

  • This course will provide

    • A framework to supervise staff
    • A structure and information for your supervision guidance document
    • Tools and techniques to take away and use in supervision
  • What will the overall benefits of this be?

    • Help reduce staff stress
    • Help staff make better safeguarding decisions in a busy working environment
    • Opportunity to provide support and affirmation of what the staff are doing well
    • Children happier and safer in education
    Book/contact james:
    If you would like to receive information from me regarding relevant courses/events, please use the email address below:

Linked to legislation

Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023):

• 9. Every school and college should have a designated safeguarding lead who will provide support to staff to carry out their safeguarding duties.
• 10. The designated safeguarding lead (and any deputies) are most likely to have a complete safeguarding picture and be the most appropriate person to advise on the response to safeguarding concerns.

Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023)

• A designated practitioner role is to support other practitioners in their organisations and agencies to recognise the needs of children, including protection from possible abuse or neglect.
• Practitioners should be given sufficient time, funding, supervision and support to fulfil their child welfare and safeguarding responsibilities effectively

Ofsted Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills: Guidance for inspectors undertaking inspection under the common inspection framework (2023)

• “Staff and other adults receive regular supervision and support if they are working directly and regularly with children and learners whose safety and welfare are at risk.” (p.9)

Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage. Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five (2023)

• “Providers must put appropriate arrangements in place for the supervision of staff who have contact with children and families.
• Effective supervision provides support, coaching and training for the practitioner and promotes the interests of children.”